HOG Mileage

Get riding! And while you're at it, earn pins, patches, and motorcycle medallions - all for riding your Harley-Davidson® motorcycle!

  1. Participation is offered exclusively to active full and associate H.O.G. members.
  2. Program covers only Harley-Davidson or Buell® motorcycles.
  3. Enroll by completing this form. Your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and current mileage must be on the form. All forms must be endorsed by a Harley-Davidson Dealer.
  4. Important note: Each motorcycle must be enrolled prior to accumulating miles in the program.
  5. Harley-Davidson Authorized Rentals® mileage may be credited by submitting a copy of the contract, which indicates mileage.
  6. Please MAIL or EMAIL form to:

Harley Owners Group – Mileage Program, PO Box 704, Chatswood, NSW, Australia 2057

EMAIL: hogau@harley-davidson.com

PHONE: 1 800 464 258 (AUST), 0 800 464 258 (NZ) 

HOG Mileage Form download

1,000 mi 1,610 km
5,000 mi 8,050 km
10,000 mi 16,100 km
25,000 mi 40,250 km
40,000 mi 64,400 km
60,000 mi 96,600 km
80,000 mi 128,800 km
*100,000 mi *161,000 km
125,000 mi 201,250 km
150,000 mi 241,500 km
175,000 mi 281,750 km
*200,000 mi *322,000 km
250,000 mi 402,500 km
*300,000 mi *483,000 km


Mileage achievement pin and patch awarded to participants reaching each mileage level on above chart.

* Special medallions and rockers will be awarded for each 100,000 mile achievement. Awards continue beyond the 300,000 mile level at 50,000 mile increments.

Note: To convert kilometres to miles, divide kilometres by 1.61. For example, 40,250 kilometres divided by 1.61 = 25,000 miles.